
God cares about your heart. And he wants you to care about it too—more so than any other part of you. “Above all else,” he says, “guard your heart.” Protect it. Keep it safe. Why? Because: “Everything you do flows from it” (Proverbs 4:23). A healthy heart keeps you alive. Your entire body relies on the flow created by the fist-sized blood-pump keeping time in your chest. You’d do well to take care it!

The heart God is most concerned about, however, isn’t made of muscle. Harder to find, and easier to damage, this heart is the center of who you are. It is the place from which you speak and feel, hurt and hope. More than this, your heart is home to all you treasure most. If you’ll let him, God will make it his home.

june 20, 2021 - August 1, 2021

Pastor Jonathan Badgett

Healthy heart

august 1, 2021

Your heart is vulnerable to attack from outside and sickness from within. That’s a lot of threats to your heart health! Guarding your heart—keeping it healthy—is a bigger job than you can handle alone. Follow Paul’s advice to keep your heart in tip-top condition!

Philippians 4:4-9

Pastor Jonathan Badgett

darkened heart

july 25, 2021

Can any heart ever be too far gone? What hope is there for a heart fully surrendered to darkness? It may be scary to think, but there really is a point of no-return for the human heart. For those of us who seek the light of Christ, we can trust that our hearts are secure in him!

Acts 8:9-24

Pastor Jonathan Badgett

deceived heart

july 18, 2021

It doesn’t take much to turn a divided heart into a hardened heart. From there, it’s just a short trip to a deceived heart. For this heart, anything—everything—that is false seems to ring with truth. But the deceived heart is a captive heart. Even if this heart wanted to believe, there is an enemy making sure it never will.  

Isaiah 44:9-20

Pastor Jonathan Badgett

Hardened heart

july 11, 2021

On the opposite end of the spectrum from the divided heart lies the hardened heart. If the divided heart moves with every gust of wind, the hardened heart isn't moved by anything. Hard as rock and just as teachable, this heart is its own worst enemy. How does a heart get hard enough that nothing gets in? In a word: pride.  

Daniel 5

Pastor Jonathan Badgett


july 5, 2021

Now you know: your heart can be wounded by others. But did you know that your heart can also become paralyzed? If your heart tries to move in two different directions at once, you will end up spinning in circles. This is what happens to a divided heart—a yes-and-no, up-and-down, right-and-left heart. Sounds dizzying, doesn’t it?

1 Samuel 15

Pastor Jonathan Badgett

wounded heart

june 27, 2021

To state the obvious: our hearts are vulnerable. As we learned last week, we must guard our hearts if we hope to keep them out of harm’s way. Yet, sometimes even when we do all we can to safeguard our hearts, we still get hurt. What then? What does God offer to help and heal the hurts others inflict on us?

2 Samuel 13:1-20

Pastor Jonathan Badgett

Cardiac Care

june 20, 2021

A healthy heart keeps you alive. Your entire body relies on the flow created by the fist-sized blood-pump keeping time in your chest. You’d do well to take care it! The heart God is most concerned about, however, isn’t made of muscle. Harder to find, and easier to damage, this heart is the center of who you are. 

Proverbs 4:23

Pastor Jonathan Badgett