LOCAL MISSION Opportunities
At Morningside, we are committed to making Christ known in our local ministry area. God has planted us in the middle of an incredible neighborhood and in an amazing city! God continues to open doors for us to reach others for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here are a few ways that we are a part:
Morningside Neighborhood Outreach Events
Partner in Education: Blackmon Road Middle School & Blanchard Elementary School
CarePortal - Adopt-a-Neighbor
SafeHouse Ministries
Brown Bag Ministry of Columbus
Sound Choices Pregnancy Center
For more information on how you can be a part and join us in our ministry, please reach out to Julie Ann Crane at jacrane@morningsidebaptist.com.
Morningside Neighborhood Outreach Events
Partner in Education: Blackmon Road Middle School & Blanchard Elementary School
CarePortal - Adopt-a-Neighbor
SafeHouse Ministries
Brown Bag Ministry of Columbus
Sound Choices Pregnancy Center
For more information on how you can be a part and join us in our ministry, please reach out to Julie Ann Crane at jacrane@morningsidebaptist.com.