february 2024


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16


Women’s ministry event at Bareware Pottery on Saturday, February 3rd at 10:00
Come be creative with us! Each person is responsible for the price of their selected piece. Space is limited so you must sign up by February 1st - Click here

Bareware Pottery Studio is located at 3912 Woodruff Road, near St. Francis Hospital


Student Ministry is going bowling after the worship service on Sunday, February 4th.

Click here to sign up  or contact Zach Walsh at zwalsh@morningsidebaptist.com

Children's MINISTRY

Kids’ movie night is February 16th from 6 pm to 8 pm in the Family Center Theater.  

Space is limited so please email Barbara Port at bport@morningsidebaptist.com to sign up.


Our next Women’s Night Out will be Thursday, February 22nd @ 6:30 at Jim Bob’s at Columbus Park Crossing.

Click here to  sign up so we know how many to expect.


Preschool registration for the 2024-2025 year will open to current families and Morningside families on February 1st.

Click here to learn more by visiting our preschool website  or contacting Christina Baptist at PreschoolAdmin@morningsidebaptist.com.

Ballet Magnificat

As part of our partnership with CarePortal, we are proud to announce a performance by Ballet Magnificat! February 18th at 4 pm at Rainey McCullars School of the Arts. Ballet Magnificat is America's Premier Christian Ballet Company. They’ll be doing a ballet inspired by the “Screwtape Letters”, by C.S. Lewis. They even give an altar call at the end of the ballet. This is a wonderful opportunity to bring more Christian arts to Columbus. Tickets can be purchased at Clement-Arts.org.

Missions Committee

As a reminder, the Missions Committee is accepting donations for Operation Christmas Child all year.  They are several options for items now with Valentine’s just around the corner.  Walmart has stuffed animals for $2.99 each, 12 pack of pencil sharpeners for $1.99 each and 12 pack of cars for $2.99.  

Valentine’s items will be on clearance after the 14th. It’s also a good time to buy one big pack of goodies from Amazon (soccer ball with pump, reusable water bottles, jacks with balls, combs, brushes, etc.).  You could buy one big pack a month to donate.  Our thought with collection all year is to take the pressure and expense off during a 6-week period later in the year.  St. Patrick’s Day and Easter will be coming up soon.  Opportunities for good items will be available then.  All items can be brought to the Fellowship Hall on Sundays or the church office during the week. We appreciate all you have done in the past for OCC and look forward to the big impact MBC can have on this wonderful outreach that makes everyone who participates a missionary.  Your donations, time and willingness to help are greatly appreciated!

Upcoming Events

March 12th from 2 pm to 7 pm  - American Red Cross Blood Drive
March 23rd - Spring Craft Fair
March 30th - Children’s Ministry Easter egg hunt