I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.… Is Christ divided? 1 Corinthians 1:10, 13a

Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

Christian unity is uniquely Christian. What I mean is, we are commanded as Christians to pursue a kind of unity—unique, supernatural even—that surpasses what humans are otherwise capable of. The basis for God’s expectation of unity among believers is the person and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus is one in his person, not many. Jesus died to take us from being many and divided to make us one with himself and with each other (see Eph 2:11-22). Who Jesus is, what Jesus has done—these are the uniquely Christian doctrines that inform our uniquely Christian pursuit of unity.

Corinth was a church wracked by division. Paul’s letter helps us understand some of the reasons Christians in Corinth were divided amongst themselves. More importantly though, Paul writes about how critical it was for them to resolve their differences and be reconciled to each other. "Is Christ divided?" he asks pointedly.

Not long ago, I spoke to a woman who, like me, claims Jesus as her Lord. In our short conversation she confessed, “I don’t want to be reconciled with you. Why would you want to be reconciled with me?” Shocked, I replied, “Because I’m commanded to.” She offered no reply, though she did thank me for talking with her. She and her family have now stepped away from Morningside.

In First Corinthians, Paul compares the church to a human body: “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ” (1 Cor 12:12). Sure, there are diseases and disorders that cause our bodies not to function normally, healthily. But most of us take for granted that our hands and feet will move as our minds command. When it comes to unity in the church, Jesus is the mind who expects us to function according to his will. He wants us “perfectly united in mind and thought” (see also Phil 2:1-2) For that to happen, we must surrender our many minds and wills to his one mind and will. We must allow his Spirit to direct ours.

My current message series is all about Jesus—who he is, what he has done for us, how he reveals who God is, and who he calls us to be. Jesus is God’s One & Only. He expects us, his people, to make him our one and only Savior and Lord. Together, we make up the members of Christ’s body at Morningside Baptist Church. Only together can we fulfill his will on earth as it is in heaven.

I pray that the same Jesus whose broken body became the ransom for our broken souls would heal the broken and bleeding body of his church. I pray that we would each surrender our minds and wills to his perfect will for us. I pray that all we say and do would bring glory to our Lord as we protect and pursue the bond of unity in peace.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Jonathan

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For the lord is good;his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.

Psalm 100:5 

Children’s Ministry

After taking a pause to celebrate the holiday season, Breakout is back on Wednesday nights from 6-7:30pm in the Family Center. Looking back at 2023, we were able to partner with Blanchard Elementary and successfully reached over 800 children with our Fall Festival. Alongside church families, parents of Blanchard students were able to host trunks as part of our Outreach initiative. We teamed up with the Student Ministry and led the worship service on Christmas Eve. The Children’s Ministry will continue to build relationships with the Student Ministry and collaborate with them on future events planned for 2024. The Children’s Ministry would like to extend an invitation for volunteers to help serve and if this interests you, please contact Barbara Port at bport@morningsidebaptist.com for information.

Barbara Port
Children’s Ministry

Worship Ministry

What a wonderful last quarter we had this past year! The handbells performed beautifully for us during the Christmas season. We also had a wonderful Christmas Eve service with the Children and Next Gen Ministries. We came together, worked as a team, and it was awesome! We are looking forward to this new season here at Morningside. Our prayer is that we are led by the Spirit of God, as well as stir His Spirit to inspire unity in our Morningside family. We are always looking to grow, if you want to be closer to the action, we would love to have you! If you are ready to serve on the worship team, worship choir, or tech team please reach out to me by phone or email. We would love to add new faces to our family! ctrammell@morningsidebaptist.com 706-518-2143

Chris Trammell
Worship Team

Women’s Ministry

The Women's Ministry provides opportunities for women to grow in Christlikeness by connecting them to Jesus through his word and to one another through His Spirit. We celebrated Christmas together last quarter with a delicious breakfast on December 2nd. A group of around 40 women enjoyed wonderful food, a time of worship led by Alison Badgett, and two inspiring speakers: Christal Gavin, the director of Clement Care, which connects generous individuals to care needs in our community, and Roni Ragan, a self-professed "ordinary" Christian, whom God has used in some extraordinary ways, simply because she said "Yes!" to God. We were also able to raise over $350 for Clement Cares, donate clothes to their clothes closet, and were grateful to connect with some sisters from our neighbor church, Shekinah Glory, who participated with us in this event.

The women's ministry leadership team is very excited for this coming Spring, and have multiple events planned: we will be holding monthly We:Connect dinners starting February 22nd, and then on the third Thursdays of every month. The purpose of these dinners will be to deepen our relationship with one another and pray for one another. We will be going together to Bareware Pottery on February 3rd, which is open to women and any children you may want to bring. What a great opportunity to see the Potter in action! And we are looking forward to hosting the IF:Gathering at Morningside! IF:Morningside will be held in our own Next Gen Center on March 15th-16th. This two-day event will feature many nationally known speakers, worship and times of prayer and connection to one another. Finally, we have planned a Women's Spring Tea on May 11th. Women, mark your calendars now for these wonderful opportunities to grow in Christlikeness this quarter!

Alison Badgett
WOmen's Ministry

Senior Adult Ministry

About sixty senior adults met on December 12th for lunch and fellowship. In celebrating the birth of our Savior, songs of the Christmas season were sung by guest soloists and by the entire senior group. It was a joyous time of worship. The mission focus was to provide hats and gloves for the students at Blackmon Road Middle School. These items were delivered to the school later that week.

Sandra O’Shields
Senior Adult Ministry

Men’s Ministry

In December 2023, MBC Men came together at Ezell’s Catfish Cabin to begin making plans for the coming year. 2024 events will include a January breakfast with Brian Hite of The Truth Life Radio ministry and a cookout in March. Monthly lunch gatherings are also in consideration. All men are invited to come and hear the stories and testimonies of our men and what Jesus is doing in their lives.

Jeff Ezell
Men’s Ministry

Widows’ Ministry

The Widows’ Ministry is averaging about 30 in attendance for our monthly luncheons. We continue to collect items each month for Brown Bag. We have been entertained by a clogging group, a Christan magician, Calvary Christian school Choir, and played Bingo. We look forward to continuing our fellowship in the coming months.

Faye Snow
Widows’ Ministry

Student Ministry

The student ministry finished 2023 strong with three well attended events. The Fall Retreat which took place in Panama City, Beach Florida, the Thanksgiving Cracker Barrel Breakfast, and the NextGen Christmas party. On Sunday mornings the students completed another semester of the Disciple 6 curriculum and Wednesday nights the focus was turned to the life of Jesus in chronological order and spiritual gifts. In the first quarter of 2024, the students will have plenty of opportunities for team-building activities while we move our academic attention to Genesis and Exodus.

Zach Walsh

Student Ministry Director

Weekday Preschool

Weekday Preschool finished 2023 with an exciting time of holiday fun, fellowship, and festivities! In November, Weekday Preschool hosted “A Time of Thanks” for our preschool families to express gratitude for our many blessings, enjoy a meal together with their students and fellowship with one another! In December, our students performed a precious Christmas Program for our preschool families and hosted a reception afterwards where everyone enjoyed food, fellowship, and built gingerbread houses together! We are excited to be back to school to start 2024 strong with plenty of opportunities for our students and families to get involved and connected with one another! We are looking forward to hosting our first event of the year taking place in February, where parents can come to relax and unwind while participating in interactive group activities as we wind down the winter season together! Pre-registration for our 2024-25 school year will open February 1st for current students and Morningside Baptist church members and will open to the public on February 8th, 2024. We invite and encourage everyone interested to secure their child’s spot early, as spaces fill up quickly! For any preschool related questions, please reach out to Christina Baptiste via email at: PreschoolAdmin@morningsidebaptist.com

Christina Baptiste
Weekday Preschool

Morningside Tutoring Program

Our tutoring program continues to serve the students of Blanchard Elementary. We are so happy to announce that one-third of our students have tested high enough to no longer need tutoring. There is still a need for more tutoring volunteers to help more children so if you are interested, please call the church office or contact Christina Baptiste at  PreschoolAdmin@morningsidebaptist.com 


connections ministry

Our community outreach efforts were busy during the third quarter. As Partners in Education with Blanchard Elementary School, we celebrated their outstanding students in December and blessed their teachers with snacks and treats. Several church members also provided desserts for the Blackmon Road Middle School Christmas party. Also in December, MBC had our Christmas Bazaar with over 40 vendors and many guests. Another successful community outreach event! During October, MBC hosted a blood drive for the American Red Cross and will host another in March.

julie ann crane
Connections Ministry Director

Committee Reports

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee oversaw the following changes over the course of the last quarter of 2023. Teddie Ussery's resignation from the committee lead to Seth Johnson's election to the position of chair. Jenny Hale also resigned before the end of the year leaving a seat vacancy. The Nomination Committee is in the process to fill the two vacancies. Both Julie Ann Crane and Zach Walsh received promotions to full-time status in their respective areas. The Personnel Committee approved the addition of NextGen Worship leader to the 2024 budget in order to bolster support of the Student and Young Adult Ministries. Recently Zach Hamsley has resigned his position as Digital Media Director. Those responsibilities have been shifted to Bobby Meltzer who already handles a large portion of the church's digital needs.  Morningside Personnel for 2024 is lean and ready for God's movement among His people.

SETH JOHNSON, Personnel committee chair

Global Missions

The Missions Committee had a very successful project for Operation Christmas Child. Items were collected for several weeks and over 350 boxes were packed at our Dessert & Packing Party in November. Through our ‘gently loved’ Christmas decoration booth at the Bazaar, enough funds were collected to fully fund the shipping costs of these boxes. The Missions Committee also supported the Lottie Moon offering through the Christmas card mailbox and distributed prayer guides and offering envelopes for the Week of Prayer in December.


During the 4th quarter of 2023, the Bereavement Team had the privilege of serving meals to the families of three of our beloved members: Anne Lutz, Fran Pharis and Nancy Taylor. We hope and pray that these meals offered some small measure of comfort and respite for the families during their time of grief.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 
who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 
~2 Corinthians 1:3-4 

Mary Stewart, bereavement TEAM