Dear Morningside Church Family,

Following God’s will for our lives is not an easy thing. As Scripture makes clear, following Christ means walking the way he walked, enduring the hardship and suffering he endured, dying to self in order to live for him. I’m honest enough to admit this is not easy for me. I prefer my comfort over his cross.

In many ways, I started 2022 very hopeful. I hoped our worship attendance and shared participation in church life would bounce back quickly after Covid. I hoped the economic downturn wouldn’t impact our giving. I hoped Morningside would stand out as an exception to the downward trends impacting countless churches around the country and in Columbus. I imagine we all hoped the same!

The truth is my hopes were that following God during this season would be easy. As I said, following God’s will is not an easy thing. It’s not supposed to be.

We are, as a congregation, at a crossroads of sorts. Down one road is comfort and ease. Down the other road is challenge and hardship. The first road requires very little of us and offers very little reward in the end. The second road requires vision and faith. What awaits us at the end of that road is a King ready to offer his “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Since much earlier in this year, I have been asking the Lord for the vision and faith I would need to lead you down the second road. I am confident the Lord has given me both. Next month, I will begin to share this vision with you in a new message series, “Time to Plant.” I’ve already shared this vision with the Elders and the church staff. I’m happy to report they’ve all responded with enthusiastic support.

Now, I invite you to join me for three Sundays in November as I unpack this vision for the season to come. I invite you to pray and fast throughout these three weeks, asking God to grow your faith. I invite you to commit yourself, as I have—not to the easy, comfortable way, but to the way of the cross, the way of faith, the way of the Lord.

Your Servant in Christ,

Pastor Jonathan

Or enter the following information into your Zoom app:
Meeting ID: 842 4168 3838
Passcode: mbchurch1

For the lord is good;his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.

Psalm 100:5 

Church Leader’s Report


In the past few months, the Deacons have been busy helping with various service opportunities including moving truckloads of household items and assisting with the Morningside Market.

You, as the church body, have submitted names for both deacon and elder roles earlier this month. We are currently contacting those individuals and will begin the interview process in November to produce the final list of men willing to serve in 2023. From those names we will bring a slate of deacons and one elder for the congregation to vote on in December.

Please feel free to contact your deacon with any questions or needs.

Sam simmons, deacon chair

 Church Treasurer’s reporT

The finance committee met each month this quarter to review the finances of the church. Wanting to be good stewards of the church's money, we are encouraged by the expense controls we have put in place that have helped us save money in these uncertain times. We are going to continue to monitor and make adjustments as needed until our financial position gains momentum during this market time. We are blessed to have adequate cash on hand to cover the shortfall and encourage everyone to give as the Lord directs you.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” - Matthew 6:21

Mike Ussery, Church Treasurer

Children’s Ministry

Wednesday Night Breakout has a new time 6-7:30pm. This helps students engage in their bible study longer and to work toward the goal of knowing their memory verses to earn their "black belt" via our Memory Verse Karate plan. The Children's Ministry area has been undergoing a makeover. Classrooms have been cleaned out to create a functional space for small group lessons during Sunday School.

Upcoming Events & Activities include Mini Fall Festival (Date TBD), Advent & Tree Decorating, College Ministry Serving Project and a Painting Party

Barbara Port
Children’s Ministry

Worship Ministry

Each week when we gather for worship my request to the Father is to “show me something new, remove from me my expectations and replace them with Your Spirit.” It is such a blessing to gather with you all on Sundays to experience the Spirit of God through fellowship and worship. It takes any feelings of being alone and blows them away! When we come together it is not for a show, but for the growth of the Kingdom of God! A stirring of His Spirit through giving Him gratitude with our voices as ONE body!

We have welcomed the choir back to our worship team once a month as the Second Sunday Singers! I am excited to see this choir grow under the leadership and guidance of Alison Badgett and Zack Hamsley. If you want to be closer to the action, we would love to have you! If you are ready to serve on the worship team, worship choir, or tech team please reach out to me by phone or email. We would love to add new faces to our family!

 Christrammell@live.com 706-518-2143

Chris Trammel
Worship Team


During the third quarter, the Senior Adult Group enjoyed their trip to the National Infantry Museum with a guided tour and then lunch at Country’s BBQ. This quarter Ken O’Shields has taken on the role of Senior Adult Event Coordinator. We are so excited and look forward to what is coming next for our Senior Adults.

Pastor Wayne Gallups
Senior Adult Pastor

Widows’ Ministry

After taking off the summer months, the Widows' Ministry began in September with a cookout and all the trimmings. We had about thirty ladies attend. We played an enthusiastic game of Bible trivia. In October, we had about thirty-four attendees for a meal and we enjoyed the music of the Solid Rock Quartet. For our November meeting, we will enjoy a Thanksgiving meal and in December our Christmas meal with entertainment by Ron and Sandra Turner.

Serving these ladies is such a joy. They are such witnesses of God's love. We have several widows in their 90’s who regularly attend. For many, this is their connection to their church that they have faithfully served over the years.

Faye Snow
Widows’ Ministry

College and Career

The third quarter saw the return of our college students and young adults. We have seen some new faces and have seen continued outreach on campus within the group. Looking towards fourth quarter, we are still seeking to partner with other Sunday morning Bible study groups to restart our once-a-month student fellowship breakfast. If interested please contact us at 706-366-2533.

Jessica & Jonathan Knight
College & Career Ministry

Women's Ministry

While the women’s ministry has been quiet the last quarter, we have much to look forward to in the coming months. Our leadership team gathered recently to discuss the vision and future of our women’s ministry. First, we are going to be meeting regularly at local restaurants to fellowship. Our first dinner will be October 25. Next, we plan to spread Christmas joy on December 3 as we gather to worship, decorate cookies, and work on a mission project. More details to come on all of these upcoming events!

Lauren Hamsley
Women’s Ministry

Group LIFE Ministry

The Group Life Ministry is happy to report that during the third quarter, more than 75 Morningside members have attended various small groups. Kerrie Edwards led a study called CHARACTERS Vol. 1, which focuses on the people we read about in Genesis. The Prayer Ministry Team, led by Michelle Repass and Kim McGuire, hosted a Max Lucado Bible study called BEFORE AMEN. Even though small group activities slow down during the upcoming holiday season, it's never too late to join (or start) a small group. I would love to help you start a small group at church, at a coffee shop, or in your home. All you need to do is contact me and let me know that you're interested. In January, be sure to check out CHARACTERS Vol. 2 on Wednesday nights.

Keep checking morningsidebaptist.com for details on upcoming groups.

Phil Martin 

Group Life Director

Student Ministry

In the third quarter of the year the Student Ministry went to Impact 360 for a day retreat, Camp Realife (Anderson), and prepared for our fall semester with hospitality training and meeting with our musically gifted students to form a student ministry praise band. All of these things have led to a successful transition to our fall semester that kicked off on September 7th.  We look forward to more life-changing events coming in October (The Bonfire) and November (Fall Retreat at Camp CrossPoint).

Zach Walsh

Student Ministry Director

Weekday Preschool

The Weekday Preschool Ministry has had a wonderful start to the school year with many new families joining us! We have been busy making new friends, learning new things, and creating special art pieces for our loved ones, all while learning that God loves each of us abundantly! Our K3 and K4 students enjoyed a trip to the pumpkin patch recently as well as participated in celebrating our Fall Harvest Festival with games and a candy parade! We have many more fun activities planned for the upcoming quarter as we prepare for the holiday season. God continues to bless our ministry and we continue to thank and praise Him for his steadfast love.

Christina Baptiste
Weekday Preschool

connections ministry

During the third quarter, the Connections Ministry welcomed twenty first-time guests to Morningside. At our August Newcomer luncheon, seven people attended as part of our church membership process. In July, MBC hosted a blood drive for the American Red Cross. We will host another blood drive in late October. Before the start of school, MBC had a prayer walk for Blackmon Road Middle School, our Partner in Education, and collected school supplies. September was busy with plans for our first Morningside Market which was held October 15th. Due to the overwhelming response, we plan to have a Christmas Bazaar on December 10th.

julie ann crane
Connections Ministry Director

Committee Reports

Recruitment Committee

Fall is the season of work for the Recruitment Committee.  As such our team has convened and prayerfully considered names of Morningside Members for service in the various committees and service positions as prescribed in the bylaws.  Basing eligibility for service on the criteria that those bylaws set forth, your Recruitment Committee submitted a slate of qualified names for service to the Elders for approval and following that approval began approaching those recommended for each position.  At this time the Recruitment Committee has received commitment from these and therefore recommends the following members for service on the Committees listed:

Finance:  Amber Oliver and Richard Leary
Personnel: Jenny Hale and Mike Babb
Recruitment:  Carolyn McCraw
Global Missions:  Lori Worley and Allison Drummond.  Also, for Barbara Ingle to serve a one year term in completion of a vacated position.
Trustee:  Larry Coger
Clerk:  Abby Helms


Personnel Committee

Personnel Committee has been very busy this quarter as we have met several times and held several subcommittee meetings working and discussing many personnel items. 1)  We have identified and approved the hiring of a Children’s Ministry Director, Barbara Port. Barbara will be responsible for MBC children’s department within our Bible Fellowship group, children’s church, and children’s programs on Wednesday nights. 2) We have accepted Pastor Zach Masdon’s resignation as Next Gen Ministry Director, as he has moved on to accept a new position. 3)  We have worked through and made recommendations on the 2023 personnel budget to the Finance committee for approval.

Continue to pray that the Lord will bless our staff and all the hard work they are providing to Morningside and its membership! We look forward to wonderful things ahead!

Teddie Ussery, Personnel committee chair

Global Missions

3rd Quarter Highlights
The Global Missions Committee worked closely with Truth Spring 6th Avenue Project. Volunteers for construction have been organized, and funding for this project has been realized through the generous donations from Morningside members.

Additional local missions help has been given through donations to Brown Bag Ministries, SafeHouse Ministries, and Sound Choices.

Assistance to foreign missions has been given through donations to Healing Hour Ministries, CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ), Baptists in Israel, and International Friendship Ministries.

4th Quarter upcoming missions
October 23rd will be a street celebration and banquet at the 6th Avenue construction site.        
November 13th will be a Pack & Pie session to prepare boxes for Operation Christmas Child.              
November 17th will be a ministry to parents of the Morningside Preschool. One-minute videos of a missions nature are being played in the Gathering Room to highlight mission opportunities.
December is Lottie Moon Offering emphasis. All donations go to support overseas missions.

Mark Graydon, global missions committee chair

Building & GroundS

Our Building & Grounds Team donated 173 man-hours of service during the third quarter. Their projects included:
  • Built Handicap Ramp for church family (84 hours)
  • Paint walls/door frames in office area (40 hours)
  • Build frame easel for church anniversary card (3 hours)
  • Repair carriages in the Children’s Ministry Center (10 hours)
  • Repair outer doors to Sanctuary (4 hours)
  • Repair door hinges in Sanctuary/ladies' room and prayer room (4 hours)
  • Clean storage room under the library (16 hours)
  • Mark parking lot in preparation for the Market on October 15 (12 hours)  

Those who volunteer for this team are Mike Allmond, Ron Armstrong, Mike Babb, Chris Deal, Jeff Ezell, Shay Ingle, Mike Jones, Bob Jordan, Ed Karnotski, Dewey McCabe III, Dan Snow, and Joe Tassoni

Bob Jordan, Building & Grounds Team


Our Bereavement teams were blessed to be given the opportunity to provide meals to three of the four families who lost loved ones. We were able to serve, comfort and minister to these families and share the love of Christ in their time of grief.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 
who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 
~2 Corinthians 1:3-4 

Cathy Gilson, bereavement committee chair