October 2021

elders' report | Session 1

Church conference schedule

Our final Church Conference of the year is scheduled for next month. Due to the amount of business and time needed to prepare documents for distribution, the Elders have decided to divide our regularly scheduled Conference into two separate sessions. This is to give church members enough time to review all items in advance. We do not want to rush any of these important items!

In our first session on Sunday, Oct. 3, 2021, we will consider a proposal from the Elders to revise the church bylaws (see below). In our second session on Sunday, Oct. 24, 2021, we will discuss the proposed 2022 church budget and Recruitment Committee nominations, in addition to regular quarterly business and reports. All items for the Oct. 24th session will be distributed to members on Oct. 17, 2021. Pastor Jonathan will convene each session immediately following the Sunday morning worship service.

bylaws review team proposal

According to Article 9 of Morningside’s bylaws, it is the Elders’ responsibility to “prepare amendments… when advantageous to increase efficiency of the church’s mission and program.” The current bylaws were ratified February 22, 2009. The most recent change to these bylaws was affirmed on September 23, 2018.

In Church Conference on January 15, 2020, the members in attendance unanimously affirmed the Elders’ proposal to create a Bylaws Review Team. This team—made up of Jim Buntin from the Elders, Greg Lang from the Deacons, and Pastor Jonathan—was formed to assist the Elders by reviewing the current bylaws and proposing needed changes.

With the help of the Bylaws Review Team, the Elders have prepared the following bylaws changes for congregational affirmation.

Proposed Redraft of Article 3, Sections 1 & 2

Under Article 3, Sections 1 & 2, the bylaws define the roles of Elders and Deacons and lay out distinct selection processes for each. When the current version of the bylaws was composed, the process for selecting Deacons was carried over from a previous version. That process was, and remains, more complicated than the process for selecting Elders.

The proposed redraft of these two sections simplifies the process for selecting Deacons and expands the time window for all nominations. These two tables show the current selection process for Elders and Deacons on the left and the proposed selection process on the right.

current selection process

proposed selection process

In addition, the wording of these two sections has been simplified and condensed. The flow of these two sections has been improved to make the entire document easier to follow. You may review the current (older) text of Article 3, Sections 1 & 2 by clicking here.

To review the proposed redraft of Article 3, Sections 1 & 2, click here. This is the text we will discuss in Conference on Oct. 3, 2021, immediately following the worship service.

Proposed Committee & Ministry Team Changes

According to Article 4, Section 9, the church must maintain six committees. The six committees include Finance, Personnel, Global Ministries (Missions), and Recruitment, along with the Weekday Preschool and Ministry Scholarship Committees.

At present, the work of the Weekday Preschool Team is being done by ministry staff and the Weekday Preschool administration. The Ministry Scholarship Program has been replaced by the Ministry Residency Program, which is being overseen by the pastoral staff.

In addition, according to Article 4, Section 10, the church must form a Budget Prep Team and a Benevolence Team. The work of these two ministry teams is presently being accomplished by existing committees, ministry staff, and the Elders.

Following the recommendation of the Bylaws Review Team, the Elders propose removing these two committees and two ministry teams from the bylaws. If the Elders determine any of these groups are needed again, they may reinstitute it without amending the bylaws.

Other Edits

Finally, the following minor changes are also needed to be consistent with the changes in Item (2) above:

Under Article 4, Section 6: Budget Submission, redraft to read:
Budgeted committees and ministry teams work with a staff liaison to prepare and submit annual budget requests according to the process laid out by the Senior/Lead Pastor.

Under Article 4, Section 9: Finance Committee, add under Tasks:
  1. Works with the Senior/Lead Pastor to develop an annual church budget for review by the Elders.

Under Article 8, Section 1: Budget, redraft to read:
Section 1: Annual Church Budget
The annual church budget offers ministry leaders an opportunity to clarify vision and set direction for the church. The budget development process should honor God and cast vision for the future.

  1. The Senior/Lead Pastor requests budget proposals from all budgeted ministry areas.
  2. Ministry staff, committee heads, and ministry team leaders develop budget requests according to the process laid out by the Senior/Lead Pastor.
  3. Collated budget requests are reviewed by the Senior/Lead Pastor and Finance Committee.
  4. The Finance Committee submits an annual budget proposal to the Elders for review.
  5. The Elders submit a final proposed annual budget for affirmation in Church Conference.