april 2024


Church Leader’s Report

Deacon BoarD

The first quarter was busy for the Deacon Body in service to Morningside. Currently Morningside has 11 men serving 392 church members and their families. They began serving the Lord in this capacity on February 1st.

Along with serving families, there are deacons teaching on Sundays, collecting tithes, distribution at communion and serving as security. The deacons were involved serving at the craft fair, setting up and taking down walls in the fellowship hall for various events, and opportunities involving our church’s various ministries.

Please be in prayer for these men and their families who gladly are in service for Christ and our church community.

Sonny Adams, Rick Beatty (Chair), Mike Davenport, Chris Deal, Gregg Drummond, Keith Heard, Sam Oliver (Secretary), CJ Repass (Vice Chair), Rick Stallings, Darryl Walsh, and Dennis Walsh


connections Ministry

During the first quarter of 2024, Connections Ministry hosted a Newcomer luncheon in January for several new church members. March was very busy as MBC hosted a blood drive, a Pray & Walk through the neighborhood for our Spring Craft Fair and our 5th Sunday breakfast fellowship. We also welcomed Mark and Rahel Landrum to lead our Maundy Thursday service. There were also opportunities to keep MBC involved with local ministries by attending luncheons for Sound Choices Pregnancy Center and International Friendship Ministries. The second quarter of 2024 will include Teacher Appreciation for our Partners in Education, Blanchard Elementary and Blackmon Road Middle Schools, and hopefully a church wide fellowship.

julie ann crane

Widows’ Ministry

The Widows’ Ministry is going strong with delicious meals and great entertainment. In January, we had our traditional meal of homemade soups and played Bingo. In February, we had Sandra Turner who provided music and Alice Hiltibrand who led us in songs of love. In March, the Solid Rock Quartet entertained us with gospel music, and finally in April, Debbie Ball took us on a trip to Israel. May will be our last meeting as we take a summer break. We have been averaging about 32 people at our meetings.

Faye Snow

NextGen Ministry

The Student and NextGen ministries are looking forward to all the great activities planned for the summer. The plan for this summer will be to give parents the opportunity to engage in activities with their students in order to make the family unit stronger through the designed activities. We look forward to the opportunity to serve both students and parents over the summer to grow in Christ together.

Pastor Zach Walsh

Children’s Ministry

The Children’s Ministry celebrated February with all scripture around love. This included Bible bingo, verse related crafts and lots of kids’ worship! We had every seat filled for our Movie Night! The kids enjoyed a movie, popcorn and many snacks! Easter brought many volunteers together to help serve with our egg hunt whether it was through candy donations, stuffing thousands of eggs and enjoying the family worship together. We are looking forward to another fun, Christ-centered VBS June 10-14th. Families can sign up their students and/or register to volunteer here.

For anyone interested in serving in Children’s Ministry please contact Barbara Port.

Barbara Port

Women's Ministry

The Women’s Ministry started the year with an activity for moms and children at Bareware Pottery. We had a fun time getting to know each other as we created lasting memories. This year our Women’s Nites Out are on the third Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm. This is a time to sit and enjoy other women without the need to cook. Please remember to register through the website, on Sunday mornings, or in the office so the restaurants can be prepared. Please. We are developing our new pamphlet which will list our W.N.O. and the new activities you suggested. Thank you for coming and supporting your Ministry.

Alice Hiltibrand

men's Ministry

Royce Railey of Go Fish Ministries brought a message to our men and guests on St. Patrick's Day and included a few lure tips as well! Over fifty attended the cookout event and enjoyed hearing the speaker and praising God with songs led by Richard Leary on guitar. A large group led by Mark Miller cooked the meal and are greatly appreciated for serving. Please share your ideas for future events with Shay Ingle or Jeff Ezell.

Jeff Ezell

Weekday Preschool

Weekday Preschool welcomed our students back for the second half of our school year with great excitement! Preschool families enjoyed special fellowship together during our Easter Jamboree and Spring Family Day events. Pre-registration for 2024-25 is in full-swing and we are enthusiastically focusing on welcoming more families to join us in the Fall. We will also be hosting preschool learning camp opportunities during the summer months providing preschool-aged children with various themes and collaborative activities!

Christina Baptiste

Young Families Group

The Young Families group has been walking verse-by-verse through Romans together during Bible Fellowship over the last few months. We’ll take a break from Romans this summer to go through a new Lifeway series called “Revive Us” that focuses on church revival, how we experience it, how we recognize it when we see it, and what we should do with it.

Alan McWilliams

senior adult ministry

Twenty of our Senior Adults attended the Ranger graduation program at Ft. Moore on March 29th.  We were in awe of the skills these new Rangers have learned.  It was a humbling experience to share this occasion with these young men and women who serve our country, and we were honored to be there to show our support for them.    Following the program we were privileged to witness the testimony and baptism of four of the young men who graduated with this Ranger class.  The Ranger chaplain baptized them in Victory Pond. Lunch together at Country’s concluded the outing.

Several of our senior adults continue to participate in our tutoring program for Blanchard Elementary School students.


Committee Reports

Personnel committee

The Personnel Committee oversaw the following changes over the course of the first quarter of 2024. The committee somberly received the resignation of our senior pastor Jonathan Badgett. Shortly after we also received the resignation of our finance manager Carol Gallups and our worship leader Chris Trammell. Thankfully, God's providence was upon Morningside and within a few weeks we had a replacement for finance manager with Lori Worley.  Matt Stephens will be serving as our intentional interim pastor for the next several months. Sam Stephens will be acting as our worship leader with other worship musicians from their home church, The Fort, to help lead worship service on Sunday mornings.

seth johnson

Global Missions

The Missions Committee distributed prayer guides and special envelopes for Annie Armstrong offering for North American Missions in March. We also sponsored the Owl of the Month recognition at Blanchard Elementary in February. The committee also purchased age-appropriate Bible story books for the children participating in our tutoring program.

The next event will be the Baby Bottle Boomerang to support Sound Choices Pregnancy Center. Baby bottles will be available Mothers’ Day and should be returned by Fathers’ Day.


During the first quarter of 2024, the Recruitment Committee was notified members on Finance, Global Missions, Recruitment, and a Trustee had resigned. The Recruitment Committee met and has now filled those vacancies.

Finance Committee: Jeff Ezell, 2024;
Global Missions Committee: Becky Brown, 2026, Steve Norris, 2026, and Ray Pritchett, 2024;
Recruitment Committee: Alan McWilliams, 2026;
Trustee: Mary Stewart, 2025.

Thank you to all for agreeing to serve.



We had the privilege of serving a meal to the family of our beloved friend and brother in Christ, David Corley. Many thanks to Rhonda Kees and her team for providing the meal and serving it with love and compassion.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 
who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 
~2 Corinthians 1:3-4 

mary stewart