MAY 2021




Dear Morningside Family,

Welcome to a new way of communicating all that is happening at Morningside! We have been working for some time to make it easier for you to access updates and information on our website. We also hope you will like the fresh look and feel of this newly design. As we pray and prepare to gather in conference this Sunday, I invite you to read each of the reports from ministry leaders and committee chairs below.

As I mentioned in my email last week, the Elders’ Report includes the latest updates concerning our Freely Campaign. In January, you voted unanimously in January to invest in the Next Generation of believers at Morningside. The Elders and I, along with our Freely “Champions”—Bob & Cathy Gilson, Mike & Teddie Ussery, and Michael & Whitney Urquhart—have been working prepare plans and recommendations for your prayerful consideration. Click on the report below and read carefully so that you can be ready Sunday morning with your comments and questions.

I have a deep conviction that we are in one of the most important seasons ever in the life of Morningside Baptist. Years from now, I expect we will look back at this season and shake our heads in amazement: “The course we set—the plans we made—landed us exactly where we are today,” we’ll say. Only the Lord knows for sure where we’ll end up, but I have no doubt that this season will shape that future. By his grace we will take another step this Sunday toward all he has in store for us.

I hope you’ll join me and your church family for worship this Sunday. I will preach the next message from #thefam: God’s Plan for Relationships and we will celebrate communion together. Then, I invite you to stay for the Church Conference as well. For those of you gathering virtually, you can use the following Zoom link below.

Your Servant in Christ,

Pastor Jonathan

To join the Church Conference virtually, use the following link:
Or enter the following information into your Zoom app:
Meeting ID: 836 3204 5738
Passcode: mbchurch1

Many, LORD my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare.

Psalm 40:5 

Church Leader’s Report

Deacon BoarD

This quarter the deacons have assisted multiple church members and extended families of members during the loss of loved ones. We meet in person once a month and our primary goal is to share prayer concerns and member needs and then spend time in prayer for each of you. So, please contact your deacon when you have prayer requests or situations that you need help with so that we as a deacon body can help through prayer and assistance as needed.

Sam simmons, deacon chair

Children's Ministry

Our Lord has blessed our NextGen Ministry with an exciting Spring filled with fruitfulness and expectation. All aspects of our ministries to families have experienced growth this past quarter and we are thrilled with the increased participation, parental feedback, and recurring attendance from guests. Elementary Kids have continued to study the Gospel Project in Bible Fellowship on Sunday mornings and have learned about the Holy Spirit’s work in growing and uniting the Church. The kids have been engaged in worship songs, games, and Bible study in Wednesday Breakout led by Mrs. Alison and our team of leaders. The fruit of this past quarter’s Breakout was evident in the kids’ worship and performance during our NextGen Worship Arts Night on April 18.
We are looking forward to an exciting Summer filled-with camps, VBS, outreach backyard Bible clubs, and family events. All our reserved spots are full for Student Summer Camp at Camp Anderson at Blue Springs in Mariana, Florida. Most of our spots for elementary boys are full for Camp McCall, but we are still registering elementary girls for Mom and Me camp at Camp Pinnacle.
We are continuing to search for a Children’s Ministry Director, and we anticipate that the Lord will lead the perfect candidate to our NextGen team soon. Plans to complete the Student and College Ministry Area on the second floor of the CMC are also enthusiastically moving forward and we look forward to voting on the next stage of progress during church conference.

zach mason

Worship Ministry

We have had quite a full schedule this past quarter! It has been awesome, from the NextGen worship night with our children’s choir, and even welcoming back our Sunday morning choir on Easter. We are working to be led by the Spirit of God in every action. Thank you for being a part of this family! By the way, if you have a desire to serve on the worship team or tech team, please reach out to me by phone or email. We would love to add new smiling faces to our team! | 706-518-2143

Chris Trammel

Men’s Ministry

The Men’s Ministry continues to adjust to the Covid era. The Men’s Ministry Leadership Team plans to meet at the beginning of May to determine the best way to begin events and balance safety against the continued needs of fellowship and brotherhood in the coming months. We will be updating events soon with an emphasis on adhering to the recommended safety requirements that are set forth by Morningside Leadership.

mike davenport

Widows’ Ministry

The Widows' Ministry continues to keep in contact with our ladies through phone calls, notes, and cards. The sponsors filled and delivered Easter bags to all our ladies, visiting when possible. We hope to resume activities in September.

Faye Snow

College and Career

In the past quarter the college group has continued to stay very actively involved in ministries both for our church and away from it. Our family group temporarily split up to join other family groups to meet others in the church as part of #thefam. On Wednesday nights we are still walking through The Chosen series together. We are excited about the addition of several new individuals to our group. We are also excited to say we will have a minimum of 8 students on various camps and mission trips ministering to people in several different locations this summer. You will see a very sharp decline in the college group around the church starting in about 4 weeks as they embark on their missions. Please be in prayer for all our students wherever the summer months may take them and continue to pray for them until the fall semester brings us back together.

Jonathan & jessica Knight

Women's Ministry

The Women’s Ministry at Morningside focused on connecting and growing deeper this Spring. Two short-term zoom Bible Studies were offered: Ginger Chesser led a group of women through Priscilla Shirer’s study on Elijah, and Alison Badgett led another group of women through Forgiving What You Can’t Forget, a study by Lysa Terkeurst. The Women’s Leadership Team also planned a Women’s Weekend called ONE: Spirit. Accord. Hope in which we were able to hear from guest speaker, Kay Snipes, spend time learning and growing with one another and share a meal together for the first time in a long while. It has been a refreshing end to a difficult season. But we look forward to exciting things to come for the women of Morningside!

alsion badgett

Small Group Ministry

The goal of Family Groups is for Morningside members to deepen their faith and relationships. With #thefam - God's Plan for Relationships, we are off to a fantastic start with more than 150 adults participating each week. People have opened their homes to each other and made room on their calendars to accommodate Zoom meetings in order to share in each other's lives. The Holy Spirit is growing us together!
More opportunities to attend groups will be coming during the summer and especially in the fall. If you are interested in more information about groups, forming a group, or joining one, please contact me at and I will get you connected to the group that is right for you.

Phil Martin

Student Ministry

The Student Ministry at Morningside has been busy over the last three months with events and gatherings designed to regather and engage our students. The Student Ministry Team also looks forward to what the summer will bring as we gear up for trips and camp. If your student is not already involved, summer is a great time to get plugged into this wonderful ministry.

Zach Walsh  

Weekday Preschool

I praise our Lord and Savior for a great school year during this Covid season. He has protected our staff and children from sickness! We celebrated Easter with over 1000 Easter eggs being hidden inside the building due to rain. It was a great time. Teaching the children about the rising of Jesus was a delight! Our prayer is for our biblical teachings to grow our students to love the Lord and make a difference in homes and communities.
Thank you to all of you on the Missions team and Buildings and Grounds team, along with Bible Fellowship classes, for the many gifts and works of labor you have given us.
Our hope for the 2021/2022 school year is to draw more children and families to the Lord. Please begin praying for the Lord to bring children to Morningside Christian Preschool. We already have a good group registered for next fall but always have room for more!

Gwen Pigg

connections ministry

Our Sunday morning greeter team has welcomed 15 first-time guests during the first quarter of 2021. During February, we collected items to bless the teachers at Blackmon Road Middle School through their ‘treat trolley’ and delivered homemade goodies. We will also be participating in Teacher Appreciation Week at BRMS. In March, we sponsored a blood drive for the American Red Cross and collected 27 units. From Mother’s Day to Father’s Day, we will be collecting change for Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic through their Baby Bottle Boomerang Campaign. We are planning a service day with House of Heroes in the coming weeks. The monthly newsletter will continue to be sent out to keep everyone informed about ministry and campus activities.

julie ann crane

Committee Reports


The first MBC Personnel Committee meeting for 2021 was held on March 1, 2021. The committee members serving you this year are Sherri Callaway, Larry Coger, Dennis Walsh, Gary Holmes, and Teddie Ussery. Dewey McCabe is the Elder Rep, and Sam Simmons is the Deacon Rep.
It was reported that all is going well with Morningside personnel, and managing well with the pandemic protocols. Staff reviews have all been submitted for YE 2020 and are on file in the church office. The committee had a brief discussion around the Freely campaign and personnel to continue the growth of the Children’s, Students’, and NextGen ministry programs. With space expansion will come program expansions. We will have our next meeting in May.

Teddie Ussery, Personnel committee chair

Global Missions

Morningside Cares has continued to provide food as needed for families. Volunteers have been partnered with families to provide help as needed and build relationships to share the love of Christ. MBC shared biscuits and juice with the Weekday Preschool families for Valentine’s Day, inviting families to make MBC their place of worship and will continue outreach projects to these families. The Mission Committee helped host a blood drive in March and collected the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. The committee collected coats from church members for Safehouse Ministries and provided a meal for their clients. A Bible study was also taught for Safehouse clients for several weeks. As part of our relationship with Blackmon Road Middle School, we will provide muffins for Teacher Appreciation Week. We look forward to opportunities for summer missions.

anne german, global missions committee chair

Buildings and Grounds

The team has been busy during the first quarter of the year with various projects on our campus. We replaced a fence panel that fell across the street from the Student Center and replaced miscellaneous boards. In the Children’s Ministry Center, we installed carpet in two rooms and prepared the room for use. An 18’ x 22’ sunscreen and supporting metal frame were installed on the playground. Several doors were also repaired in the CMC. A total of 18 hours of labor was contributed by our volunteers.

Bob Jordan, buildings & grounds committee chair


Our Bereavement Ministry served food to one of our church families in the first quarter of 2021. One of our teams provided all the food, therefore, the church should have had no expenses this quarter.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 
who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 
~2 Corinthians 1:3-4 

Cathy Gilson, bereavement committee chair