The gift of giving

What we believe about giving determines how we give. If we believe God—what he has said in his word—we will give generously, cheerfully, sacrificially. We will also give expectantly since God has promised in his word to reward those who give. When we give expecting him to fulfill his promises to us, we are demonstrating our faith that God really does reward his faithful people. His rewards—the gifts God gives to givers—are immense, they are rich, and they are eternal!

November 7, 2021 - 

Pastor Jonathan Badgett

The story of our gift

november 21, 2021

It’s not the amount but the story behind the gift that truly counts. Macedonia, Paul says, gave out of their extreme hardship and poverty. What an astounding story! Corinth, though struggling with pride and division, would also respond faithfully to God. Another amazing story!

2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Pastor jonathan badgett

gifts given

november 14, 2021

When we give to God joyfully, sacrificially, expectantly, he can do amazing things with our gifts. A little boy fed thousands when he gave his lunch to Jesus. Imagine what he can do when we all begin giving God’s way!

2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Pastor jonathan badgett

gifting givers

november 7, 2021

Can you give the solution…? Jimmy has 3 apples and gives 2 of his apples to Jenny.  How many apples does Jimmy have left? This is how math works: giving results in subtraction from the giver and addition to the receiver. Who could imagine it turning out any other way?

2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Pastor jonathan badgett