september-october 2021


sermon series

This month, we will return to a message series I first started in August. Holy War is based on Mark’s Gospel. There we encounter a world not much different than our own. Darkness has grown strong and the people of God seem powerless to prevail. But as it was then, so it is now: heaven’s Champion is on the move. The darkness may seem invincible but it can never overcome the Light! As Jesus, our heavenly Champion advances, we must move with him. Join me for this series as we make our way through Mark’s Gospel.            
 You can listen to previous Holy War messages by clicking the button below.    
 – Pastor Jonathan
Send Relief is strategically working with our trusted ministry partners to minister to Afghan refugee families. We can connect you and your church with opportunities to pray, serve and give to support this response! Your gifts to the Afghanistan Refugee Crisis Fund will support churches and refugee ministries in the United States and around the world as they care for resettled Afghan refugees. Give today to bring help and healing to the hurting!

Volunteer spotlight
our weekday office volunteers

If you call or come by the church office during the week, you have probably been greeted by one of our sweet volunteers. These ladies help things run smoothly by answering the phone, greeting visitors, and doing several other tasks. Our office volunteers are Mary Stewart, Mary Ann James, Alice Hiltibrand, Diane Padgett, Jackie Burhenn, Karen McCabe, Nancy Jordan, Sandra O’Shields and Janet Knight. We appreciate all you do for us. Please thank these ladies when you see them.  

If you would like to volunteer to help in the office, please contact Carol Gallups,

Weekday Preschool

If you would like to assist in Weekday Preschool’s Fall Festival the morning of Thursday, October 28th from 9 am-11 am, please contact Kathy Sims at   The purpose is to show God’s love to the preschoolers and their families.

morninside senior adult ministry

Thursday, october 21st at noon in the fellowship center

Please sign up in the Gathering Room or RSVP to Carol Gallups at the church office by calling 706-561-0343 by TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19th
 If you need assistance with transportation, please call Carol and let her know.

A $7 meal donation is much appreciated. Chick-fil-A lunches will be served!

Opportunities at Blackmon Road Middle School, 
our Partner in Education

BRMS has shared some opportunities for Morningside to serve the students over the next few months. There is a need for tutors in math and English for all grade levels. The school also plans to move and organize their clothes closet and could use willing hands to help with that project. The FBLA is sponsoring a jeans/pants drive for the closet if you would like to donate items in good condition.

On Fridays from 3:20-3:50 p.m., students with good behavior, classroom leadership, and good academic standing are invited to Freedom Fridays to celebrate. People are needed to help collect money at the concession stands at these events. We continue to provide homemade goodies for the teachers each month.

BRMS has spirit night fundraisers at Wild Wing Café (a BRMS Partner in Education) every Tuesday night from 5 pm – 9 pm. Just tell your server you are there for BRMS and the school will receive a portion of your tab. Great food and a great cause!  

If you are interested in serving BRMS in any of these ways, please contact Julie Ann Crane at

Widows’ Ministry

Our widows’ ministry gathered in the Fellowship Center on September 2nd for a ‘cookout’ luncheon. Thanks to Kinard Latham for handling the grill so the ladies could enjoy hamburgers with all the trimmings. On October 7th, they gathered for a catered lunch from Miles To Go and a time of singing old hymns, accompanied by Cathy Gilson playing the piano. The ladies were glad to be back together after such a long time apart over the last several months. They plan to continue meeting on the first Thursday of each month. If you are interested in joining them, please contact Faye Snow at or Diane Padgett at 



2:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Morningside is pleased to host a blood drive in the Fellowship Center in honor of Jim Buntin, one of our church members.

click the link below to schedule an appointment.
all donors must wear a mask. You can donate after receiving a Covid Vaccine but knowing the name of the manufacturer is critical in determining donation eligibility.

If you would like to volunteer to assist with donor check-in or the snack table, please contact Julie Ann Crane at 

Thanks to The Truth 107.7 radio station for helping us promote this event.

If you would like a poster to promote the blood drive at your business or place of employment, contact Julie Ann Crane.

Student Ministry

progressive dinner

The student ministry will enjoy a progressive dinner on Saturday, October 23rd from 6 pm to 10 pm. Students may sign up by clicking the button below until noon on October 21st.  Parents who are willing to drive can sign up here as well.

missions committee

In this hectic, busy world, time seems limited for all of us, yet Jesus has called us to share His love with a hurting world. Taking the time to share the gospel message or to serve others in Christ’s name can bring a special joy in the midst of our lives. The Missions Committee is encouraging the Morningside family to choose a missions project and find a way to serve. There are many opportunities to get involved…CHOOSE ONE fitting your personality, time, and spiritual gifts. Choose One and be blessed while blessing others.

Operation Christmas Child boxes are currently available for pickup in the Gathering Room on Sunday mornings. The collection date for Morningside is Sunday, November 14th. You can also pay for and pack a box online at

During the month of November, the Global Missions Committee will be sponsoring a shoe drive for Safehouse Ministries. They will be collecting new and gently used shoes for men and women to prepare them to move back into the workforce and everyday life. Collection boxes will be in the Gathering Room and in the church office. The committee will even pick up donations from your home if needed. If you have questions, please contact Rick or Donna Stallings at or 706-593-5990. The mission of Safehouse Ministries is to love and serve the homeless, addicted, and/or incarcerated men and women as they transition back into the community

livestream reminders

We want to be sure you are receiving all desired email and text communications from the church office. In an effort to reduce the clutter in your inbox and on your phone, beginning Sunday, November 7, 2021, we will no longer send weekly Sunday morning live stream reminders except to those who request a reminder. If you would like to continue receiving a weekly reminder with the link to our Sunday morning live stream, please email or contact the church office. If you do not need this weekly reminder, you do not need to notify us. Your reminder notices will stop after this month. 

women's ministry

women's prayer breakfast

Join us on Saturday morning, November 6th for a Women’s Prayer Breakfast (9:30-11:30)! There will be lots of delicious food and a sweet time of prayer together for our church family, our community and our nation. Registration is free, but everyone is encouraged to participate in our Wear One Bring One “Unmentionable” Drive. As part of our service to the community, let’s show women in need some “support” through donations of new bras and packaged underwear! All gifts will go straight to Damascus Way Home for Women and Children. Register online or in the Gathering Room on Sunday mornings, October 24th and 31st!

new ladies' bible study

New Bible Study Opportunity! Ladies, are you looking for a new Bible Study on Wednesdays during Breakout? Join Lauren Hamsley for The Good Gospel: Understanding the Greatest News You’ve Ever Heard. Starting soon! Contact Lauren at for more information.

Save the date: Cookie decorating

"Build a House” Workshop and Cookie Exchange! December 5th, 4 pm-6 pm! We’ve done the hard work; you do the fun part! Bring your friends, kids and grandkids for a tasty afternoon of gingerbread house building, decorating, and cookie exchanging. With an emphasis on building our faith on the solid rock of Christ, you won’t want to miss this fun, family event! A small registration fee will cover supplies.

new prayer ministry

Morningside has a new prayer ministry facilitated by Michelle Repass and Kimberly McGuire.

Starting Sunday, October 17th from 10:00 until 10:15, people are invited to join them in the church parlor of the Gathering Room for a time of prayer for the worship service. Anyone is invited to join them for prayer.  

On Wednesday, October 20th at 6:00 pm in the prayer parlor, they will begin a mid-week prayer group for a time of studying prayers in the Bible, learning how to start a prayer journal and spending time in prayer for specific needs at Morningside. You can contact Michelle at 706-218-3594 for more information.

To submit a prayer request, you may complete a prayer card (located in the Gathering Room) and leave it in the offering plates or submit your prayer request online.

Upcoming Events

October 17 - Prayer Ministry Sunday Meetings begin at 10:00 am in The Parlor
October 20 - Prayer Ministry Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study begins at 6:00 pm in The Parlor
October 21 - Senior Adult Reunite Luncheon
October 23 - Student Ministry Progressive Dinner
October 26 - Blood Drive in the Fellowship Center
October 28 - Morningside Preschool Fall Festival
November 6 - Women's Prayer Breakfast