april 2022


new sermon series begins on easter


The world we see around us is a carnival of rides, games, people, and foods. It speaks to us: “Come on in! Now offering life, power, love!” But after too long, we find ourselves tired, alone, sick, and empty.

What the world offers will cost you everything and leave you broke. God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, with his offer: to connect you to God’s own life, power, and love!

Beginning April 24th, everyone at Morningside is encouraged to join a 5-week CONNECT group. We will explore the right kind of power and connections that God has created for us as detailed in 1 John. Sign-ups for CONNECT groups will be coming your way soon!
This very special service, called “In the Garden,” is a worship experience that invites you to fellowship with Christ in his sufferings on the eve of the crucifixion. We will meet Christ in the upper room, see him wash the disciples’ feet, receive communion, and walk with him into the garden.
Whether in-person or on our livestream, we trust Christ will meet you in a powerful way.


sunday, april 24

We are excited for this service where we will celebrate professions of faith through the outward expression of baptism! If you are interested in baptism or would like to discuss more about baptism, please contact the church office to speak with one of our pastors.

Saturday, April 9 at 11:00 am in the
Family Center

for preschool & elementary school students

An outreach event to our neighbors and community.
Please invite your friends and family to join us!

Check-in will be in the main entrance in front of the Clubhouse. Kids will be divided into groups and guided upstairs for the Scavenger Hunt as they search for clues about the truth of Easter. After the Scavenger Hunt, kids will be directed downstairs to hunt and grab eggs scattered throughout the building. After the hunt, everyone is invited to the Morningside Café upstairs for free pizza and fellowship.

We are collecting candy for the event through Sunday, so please remember to bring candy if you feel led to donate. Collection containers are located in the entrances to the Family Center, Worship Center, and Fellowship Center. 

each one reach one golf tournament

saturday, may 14, 2022

Noon - Lunch
1:30 pm - Shotgun Start

The individual cost per player is only $40.00, which includes green fees, cart, range balls, lunch, and Maple Ridge coupons redeemable at the course. Prizes will include three team flight winners, which gives more teams an opportunity to qualify regardless of team score. There will also be closest to the pin winners on two of the par three holes. Register to play by Sunday, May 8. For more information, contact Butch Wheeler at butchwheeler03@gmail.com

widows' luncheon

Thursday, April 7 at 11:30

Our program will be Bill Arrington and his magnificent collection of Easter eggs. Lunch will be assorted salads for $7 each and sponsors will call for reservations. For more information, please contact Faye Snow at fanddsnow@yahoo.com or Diane Padgett at diane58@knology.net.

Weekday Preschool Ministry News

The Weekday Preschool is currently accepting applications for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year. Please click the button below for more information. We look forward to having the privilege of sharing the goodness of God's love and teaching His biggest blessings: your children! 

Wednesday, April 13

at noon in the fellowship center

$ 5 per person

Our guest speaker will be Kara Vinzant, Executive Director of Stewart Community Home. We will be taking donations of board games, puzzles, books, underwear, and toiletries for the Community Home. Sign-up in the sanctuary atrium or by calling the church office.

Upcoming Events

April 7 - Widows' Luncheon
April 9 - Preschool & Elementary Easter Scavenger Hunt
April 13 - Senior Adult Pizza Party
April 13 - New Prayer Study Begins at 6 pm
April 14 - Maundy Thursday Service at 6:30 pm
April 17 - Easter Service
April 24 - Baptism Sunday and Church Conference
April 27 - Student Summer Camp Registration Ends
May 9-13 – Camp Hawkins Construction Mission Trip
May 14 – Each One Reach One Golf Tournament
June 20-24 – Vacation Bible School
July 8-10 – Camp McCall for Elementary Boys and Dad