january 2022


new sermon series

in the name of god

Where is God? If you had to point to the place where God’s presence is known, his power is real, and his authority is sure, where would it be? If you find yourself even a little unsure, you’re not alone. For many of us, we imagine God to be nearby. But if we’re honest, his presence, power, and authority seem too distant to be real.

If we want God with us, Jesus makes clear what we must do: “Where two or three gather in my name, I am there with them” (Matthew 18:20). To bring him near, we’ve got to get together and invoke his name. If you’re no longer content to imagine God is near, then you need us and we need you. Let’s get together in 2022—with Jesus!

expanded church office hours

Starting on Friday, January 7th, the church office will be open from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm. This is to be more available to those who may need to conduct business with the church during the week. Our Monday – Thursday hours will remain 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.
Construction is finishing up in the NextGen ministry space and we await delivery of the furniture and fixtures. As we get closer to completing the space, it is vital that we stay strong in our giving to pay for the project. This new space will be a wonderful opportunity for outreach to our church and our community. Please prayerfully consider how you can be a part of this exciting opportunity. If you have not given to this project, please consider a donation of any amount. You can make an online donation by visiting the link below or place your donation in the offering plate on Sunday.

New bible studies

All are invited to take advantage of some small group opportunities available each week. It’s not too late to join these groups. There is no registration and attendance is free! Books are optional and can be purchased online at Lifeway.com, BN.com, or Amazon.com.

winning the food fight (Coed)

Phil Martin leads a new coed group on Wednesdays at 6 pm in room D236, upstairs in the Family Center. The group will focus on healthy food and lifestyle choices as found in the book, “Winning the Food Fight”.

teach me your ways (Ladies)

Kathy Edwards leads a brand-new ladies’ small group on Wednesdays at 6 pm in room D240, upstairs in the Family Center. The group will be going through Kay Arthur’s Inductive series, starting with “Teach Me Your Ways”.

the patriarchs (Ladies)

Alice Hiltibrand leads a ladies’ small group Bible study series on Thursdays at 9:30 am in Building C. This month the group is studying Beth Moore’s “The Patriarchs”.

Newcomer Luncheon

this sunday, Jaunary 16
after morning worship

Are you new to Morningside and want to know more about our church?  Please join us Sunday, January 16th in the Fellowship Hall after the service. We will have a casual lunch and a time for you to meet the church staff and others new to MBC.

Please RSVP by January 13th to Phil Martin at pmartin@morningsidebaptist.com. Our membership class is now online! Find out more about Morningside and start your journey toward becoming a church member at the link below.
Wednesday Elementary Breakout is back Wednesday, January 12th at 6 p.m. in the Clubhouse in the Family Center! We just launched a new Breakout Leadership Team that will work together to create an exciting and intentional environment for kids’ ministry. Breakout will be amazing in 2022 and we do not want your family to miss out on the fun!

Elementary Bible Fellowship continues each Sunday morning at 9 a.m.  Beginning January 16th, we are dividing Elementary BF into three classes based on grade. We will continue to check-in and gather in the Outfitter room, move to other rooms for study and activities, and then return to the Outfitter room for pick-up.
The Student Ministry will begin our mid-week gatherings on January 12th.  The Student Ministry Team is looking forward to moving into the new NextGen space in the coming weeks. Thank you to all those who have invested their resources and time into the NextGen ministry.

morningside prayer ministry

Sunday mornings at 10:15, people are invited to come together in the church parlor of the Gathering Room for a time of prayer for the worship service. This time does not overlap into the morning service.  Anyone is invited to join for prayer.  

On Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in the prayer parlor, join this mid-week prayer group for a time of studying prayers in the Bible, learning how to start a prayer journal and spending time in prayer for specific needs at Morningside.

To submit a prayer request, you may complete a prayer card (located in the Gathering Room and in the pews) and leave it in the offering plates or submit your prayer request online.

missions committee

Brown Bag Ministry wants to thank the people of Morningside for their generous donations to the Adopt-a-Chicken program to provide chickens to their elderly clients during the holidays.

Through the Lottie Moon offering and the Christmas card mailbox, the people of Morningside Baptist donated a total of $12,156.46 to the 2021 offering for International Missions. Thank you for supporting this mission effort.

News from the Columbus Baptist Association - The Hillcrest Ministry Resource Center assists guests with personal hygiene items as they come in for food and clothing. CBA is asking for donations of the following items: shampoo, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, body wash, bar soap, and feminine products. CBA purchases these items from dollar stores, which will have a price increase later this month. Please consider purchasing some of the items for CBA. A collection box will be in the Gathering Room and in the Fellowship Hall.

Thursday, february 3rd at 11:30
in the fellowship center

For more information, please contact either Faye Snow at fanddsnow@yahoo.com or Diane Padgett at diane58@knology.net.

Upcoming Events

January 12 - Breakout Kids and Student Mid-Week Start Back
January 16 - Newcomer Luncheon after Worship Service
January 23 - Church Conference
February 3 - Widows' Luncheon
March 15 - American Red Cross Blood Drive