march 2022



Sunday, march 6th

sermon series returns this sunday

It started small—too small, surely, to make a difference. The first skirmishes in the battle for humanity would be waged in a flyspeck fishing town north of nowhere. With just a few good men, the Light would launch its offensive to take back a world covered in darkness. Leading the way, heaven’s Champion would prove that God was not done fighting for his people.

Though it all started so small, the world would never be the same. We hope you will join us as we return to Pastor Jonathan’s series over the next several weeks.

upcoming bible studies

The Daniel Plan

A new Bible study begins Wednesday, March 9 at 6 pm in room D236 of Family Center. Phil Martin will be leading a six-week study of The Daniel Plan. The Daniel Plan is far more than a diet plan. It is an appetizing approach to achieving a healthy lifestyle by optimizing the five key essentials of faith, food, fitness, focus, and friends. For more information, contact Phil Martin at

Habits of the household

Parents, if you are interested in joining a new Sunday night small group that meets every-other-week, please contact Pastor Zach for more details. The new Bible study, Habits of the Household: Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms, is launching soon!

the patriarchs

The Patriarchs Bible study will begin on Thursday, March 24th. Alice Hiltibrand leads this ladies' Bible study at 9:30 am in building C. This 10-week series focuses on studying the encounters that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had with God. The student Bible study book is available for order through and


sunday, march 20 after the morning service

Are you new to Morningside or are you interested in learning more about Morningside? This casual luncheon is a time to meet the staff, elders and others new to Morningside or ask any questions you may have about the church. The luncheon will be following the worship service and will be held in our new NextGen Ministry space. If you are interested in attending, please click the linkn below to make a reservation by March 17th.

children's ministry

starquest wednesday breakout

Join us for Elementary Breakout each Wednesday at 6pm! We are continuing to learn the Scripture-memory focused musical, StarQuest. We also have Bible study and fun games each week. Learn more about Breakout Kids and StarQuest by clicking the link below.

easter egg scavenger hunt

Saturday, April 9th at 11 am in the Family Ministry Center for Preschool and Elementary

Student Ministry

The month of March will be a busy time for our student ministry as we move from the old Student Center to the new NextGen Ministry Center on March 6th. We also have a trip planned to the Civic Center to watch the Columbus River Dragons take on the Watertown Wolves on March 19th. We hope your student will join us on the 6th and the 19th for a lot of fun as we finish out the semester strong. 

Weekday Preschool

On February 24th, parents of Morningside Preschoolers were served muffins and given information about our church. This was a combined effort between GMC and Sims’ Bible Fellowship Group. Our Preschool is a blessing to the community and to the next generation.



2:00 PM - 7:00 PM

 As you know, blood supplies are at an all-time low across the country. Please consider donating blood to help those in need. You can make an appointment at and enter sponsor code: MBC or by clicking the link below.

If you would like to volunteer during the drive, help is needed for two-hour shifts (1:30-3:30, 3:30-5:30, 5:30-7:30) for two people each shift. Contact Julie Ann Crane at to volunteer.

spring worship choir

Do you have a heart for worship and desire to see the Lord Jesus glorified in our worship service on Sunday morning? Are you willing to use your voice to encourage others? Then the Worship Choir may be the place for you! The Worship Choir is a group of individuals who seek to glorify God together and encourage others in their worship by making a joyful noise during the Sunday morning service. While musical talent is helpful, the only requirement is a heart that seeks to serve the Lord! We will meet on Sunday afternoons at 4pm in the Fellowship Hall beginning March 13 through Easter Sunday morning, and will sing in worship twice during that time. 
Questions? Contact Alison Badgett at 516-780-5059 or 

global missions committee

Morningside's Global Missions Committee coordinates ministries and missions all year long. Our goal is to bring opportunities to serve, give, pray, and go on mission to all of our church body. Below are a few opportunities.

Have you wanted to learn more about how to pray? Join Michelle Repass in the sanctuary prayer room on Wednesdays at 6 pm as we pray and learn how to pray more effectively.

Are you looking for a way to use your carpentry skills? Morningside will sponsor a mission to North Georgia's Camp Hawkins during the week of Monday, May 9 – Friday, May 13, 2022. More information to come.


Your response to the request for personal hygiene items for Columbus Baptist Association was overwhelming. Morningside donated seven boxes of items for the clients of Hillcrest Resource Center.

Widows’ Ministry

The Widows’ Ministry will have their next luncheon on Thursday, March 3rd at 11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. The program will be about security measures for senior adults. Lunch will be boxed lunches from Jason’s Deli for $7 each. If you are interested in joining them, please contact Faye Snow at or Diane Padgett at 

Upcoming Events

March 3 – Widows’ Ministry luncheon
March 6 – NextGen Ministry space grand opening
March 9 - Daniel Plan Bible Study Begins
March 20 – Newcomer luncheon
March 24 – The Patriarchs Bible study begins
March 26 – Crossover907
April 9 – Children's Ministry Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt
May 9-13 – Camp Hawkins Construction Mission Trip
May 14 – Each One Reach One Golf Tournament
June 20-24 – Vacation Bible School
July 8-10 – Camp McCall for Elementary Boys and Dads